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Lashing is one of the many practical ways you can tie things together. Even with several techniques to it, lashing is easy to learn and master.

RELATED: The Essential Lashing Skill: The Square Lash

3 Surefire Lashing Methods That You Should Master Right Now

1. Shear Lashing Method

Do you need to bind two poles at their tops? A shear lashing is your best option as it is stable enough to support weight and is ideal for structures such as an A-frame or a sawhorse’s legs.

Reminder: Begin with the poles parallel to each other when tying a shear lashing. After completing the cordage, you can separate the untied ends of the poles to create the basic A-frame structure.


  1. Firstly, make a clove hitch around one pole before proceeding to the first wrap around both poles.
  2. Next, make six complete wraps, after which you should make your first frap
  3. Afterward, make the second frap so that you have two fraps between your poles
  4. Lastly, make another clove hitch to secure your loose lash end. Next, separate the untied part of your pole so that you can easily finish your lashing.

RELATED: 82 Uses for Paracord That Will Surprise You

2. Diagonal Lashing Method

Use a diagonal lashing when you need to bind or tie two poles diagonally. It prevents the poles from rotating or twisting within a lashing.

As the name suggests, the poles in this type of lashing are diagonal to the ground or the load they are meant to support.


  1. Here, begin by making a timber hitch on the top log
  2. Next, tighten your timber hitch and hold your cord in place in preparation for making your first wrap
  3. Now, make your first wrap over the poles
  4. Make two more wraps to have three and align your cord for your fist frapping
  5. Next, complete your three fraps, ensuring you go between the poles to cinch the rope on itself
  6. Lastly, finish frapping and complete the binding with a clove hitch

3. Square Lashing Method

On the other hand, a square lashing is used for binding poles or logs at a right angle. It is, therefore, ideal for use with items that are used at a right angle to the ground.


  1. While holding your poles at a right angle, make a clove hitch on the lower side of the standing pole.
  2. Next, begin your first wrapping over both poles
  3. Now, proceed until you have three complete wraps around your poles
  4. Here, align your lash such that it is in line with making the first frap
  5. Now, complete your first frapping. Ensure that you cinch down on the wraps you have already made instead of the poles.
  6. Lastly, complete two more fraps to make three and make another clove hitch to hold your loose cord end in place

Pro Tips

  • Lashing has a wide application and is a great way to build without nails
  • Understanding the various knot styles will make binding poles easier for you
Watch this video by Ultimate Boy Scout on how to tie the square lashing:

There you go, preppers. Lashing is an invaluable skill to every outdoors person, and lucky for you, we have three ways you can execute it. As with everything else, all it takes is a little practice and the right cordage, and you are ready to go.

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Do you have any tips you would like to share on lashing? Let us know in the comment section below!Up Next: 

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