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Where Do You Hide Your Valuables?

You have worked hard your whole life. You’ve acquired many things you keep in your home. Some of them probably have a high resale value. Others are meaningful to you for sentimental reasons. The last thing you want is for a thief to break in and steal valuables you’ve...

Why You Need a Portable Power Bank

When I was a kid, I would frequently tell my parents I “needed” one thing or another. Maybe it was something small like a pack of Topps baseball cards. Or something bigger like a new basketball. Perhaps it was a single G.I. Joe action toy. Or a whole set of plastic...

Prep Your Vehicle for Severe Spring Weather

Of all the places you could be stuck during an extreme weather event, your vehicle is probably not the worst. After all, you have shelter from the storm. As well as heat or air conditioning, as long as there’s enough gas to keep your vehicle running. But it’s rather...

Is It Possible to Avoid Mosquito Bites?

If you’ve traveled the world, you may have encountered some bizarre and dangerous bugs. For example, the Wandering Spider of Brazil. It’s large and hairy. It’s ranked as the world’s most venomous spider by the Guinness Book of World Records. They don’t bother weaving...
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