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Preparedness Notes for Monday — May 9, 2022

On May 9th, 1945, Herman Goering– commander in chief of the Luftwaffe, president of the Reichstag, head of the Gestapo, prime minister of Prussia, and Hitler’s designated successor– was taken prisoner by the U.S. Seventh Army in Bavaria. Goering, who was addicted to...

Mountain House Foods, by Pat Cascio

I’ve been a “Prepper” most of my life. When I was a small child, and would hear the air raid sirens going off, every Tuesday morning, across the street from where I lived. I worried about a nuclear attack, and no child should have to worry about that sort of thing –...

Investing in Unusual Metals

Today, in lieu of or normal “E&I” column, we present a special examination of high dollar value industrial metals and some lesser-known precious metals, authored by SurvivalBlog’s Senior Editor James Wesley, Rawles (JWR). Hopefully, this won’t sound like a high...

Signs Of The Times – Part 4, by St. Funogas

(Continued from Part 3. This concludes the article.) Vasili Arkhipov prevented TEOTWAWKI — During the Cuban Missile Crisis one single man, a Russian submariner named Vasili Arkhipov, prevented the use of nuclear torpedoes against an American warship which likely would...

Preparedness Notes for Friday — May 6, 2022

May 6th is the birthday of Tuvia Bielski. (Born 1906, died 1987.) You may remember him as the main character in the movie Defiance. This movie was based on the book Defiance: The Bielski Partisans by Nechama Tec. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another...
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