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Have you ever wondered if or when the next pandemic might come along? And what will launch it? 

Some scientists believe that mosquitos will cause the next pandemic. And that the time is ripe for it. Due to the warmer and wetter weather pattern known as El Niño, mosquito activity is expected to be higher than normal in North America this year. 

And that means a rise in mosquito-borne illnesses. Some of which can be very dangerous to our health. 

The CDC predicts that serious illnesses will become more widespread in a number of areas in North America. Due to the rising number of mosquitos and a warmer climate.

‘Damage from inaction is enormous’

Mosquito-borne illnesses can cause fever and rash. As well as headaches, body aches, and muscle and joint pain.

How do these mosquitos get here? Well, some have already been here for a long time. But some migrate north from South and Central America.

One batch of particularly dangerous mosquitos entered the U.S. several decades ago through – of all things – the used tire industry. 

Is the U.S. doing enough to prevent these infestations? A medical entomologist and professor at the University of California-Davis doesn’t think so. 

“If we don’t do anything, which is basically what we’re doing right now, it’s going to get worse,” said Tom Scott. “The damage from inaction is enormous. It’s unacceptable. It’s unethical.” 

Mosquitos gearing up for battle 

Mosquitos that will buzz around our backyards this spring, summer, and fall don’t carry warning signs regarding the diseases they carry.

It’s safer to assume that a mosquito is carrying a disease and wants to transmit it to you while “borrowing” some of your blood.

They want to feast on you, your pets, and your garden. Right now, many of them are emerging from hibernation. Others are heading north toward us as our weather warms. And billions of them are just a twinkle in their parents’ eyes right now.

To us, they are a pain somewhere south of our eyes. Their goal is to gain nutrition from our blood, the blood of our pets, and the plants in our garden.

Don’t provide a home where bugs can roam

There are many ways to try to keep mosquitos and other illness-borne bugs such as ticks out of your yard. For one, take away their habitats.

Ticks love leaf litter, tall grass, and brush. So, rake, mow, and clear. Divide your lawn from any wooded area with a three-foot wide barrier of wood chips.

Mosquitos love standing water, where they can hang out and breed. So, drain those areas regularly. Including kids’ pools, flowerpots, buckets, wheelbarrows, and bird baths. 

There’s nothing like a nice, shady area on your lawn where you can sit and relax. The problem is, mosquitos love shade too. Limit shady areas by cutting back trees and pruning hedges.

Avoid mosquito bites 

Let me provide you with some effective ways to avoid mosquito bites. As well as some good ways to treat them when they happen.

Use a mosquito repellent. There are over-the-counter sprays and rub-ons containing DEET. If you want to avoid that chemical, make your own concoction. 

Mosquitos aim for thin-skinned areas because they can get to your blood easier. Apply the repellent to exposed areas of skin. Focus on your feet, ankles, lower legs, and wrists.

Bugs are also attracted to dark colors. Wear light-colored clothing when you’re outdoors. Long sleeves and pants can be helpful for avoiding bites. A thicker fabric with a looser fit is preferable to tight-fitting, thin fabrics.

Avoid the outdoors around dawn and dusk. That way your blood won’t be available to them during their favorite parts of the day. When indoors, keep windows closed unless you’re sure there are no holes in your screens.

Use an odor-free, lightweight, portable bug-zapper in your backyard that attracts and kills bugs without pesticides or chemicals. Look for one that’s water-resistant and cleans itself.    

Treat mosquito bites 

Scratching mosquito bites usually makes them itch more and longer. That’s not a good “treatment.”

If you break the skin while scratching, you can expose yourself to an additional infection. Wash the area with soap and water, then cover it with a bandage. 

Ice will slow blood flow to the area, thereby reducing inflammation and swelling. Apply aloe vera directly to the bite to relieve itching and discomfort. Or press a steeped chamomile tea bag to your bite.

Some folks apply other items to their bites. Including honey, vinegar, and even an oatmeal paste. Others like to use hydrocortisone cream or take an antihistamine.   

Mosquitos could be plentiful this year. And some will carry diseases. By taking precautions, we can defeat them. And possibly avoid another pandemic.

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