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Have you ever wondered where old batteries go to die? 

The final resting place for far too many of them is a landfill. But most of them die first inside the devices we’re counting on them to power. Including flashlights, remotes, smoke detectors, and other electronic devices. 

And in a vast majority of cases, we have no idea they’re about to give up the ghost. It’s impossible to tell. Even if you open up your device and look directly at them. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could count on our batteries to keep working? Even if it meant we had to perform a little maintenance here and there? Today I’m going to tell you how that can happen. And I’ll steer you to your best choice. 

Standard batteries can’t compete 

Batteries make life a lot more convenient. They allow us to operate devices without plugging them into an outlet. So, we can easily carry the devices from one room to another. And even take them when we go for a walk or a ride in the car. 

But there’s a downside to everything, right? The main problem with batteries is they eventually stop working. They run out of “juice.”

In the past, our only option when it came to a dead, disposable battery was to throw it out. Then we’d go buy a new one because the kitchen drawer contained every battery imaginable except the one we needed.

These days, we have another option. We can use rechargeable batteries. But are they really better? Let’s take a look. 

Weighing pros and cons

As with most decisions, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps the top “pro” for disposable batteries is their upfront cost. They are cheaper than rechargeable batteries. 

Perhaps you need batteries for a variety of items. You’ll spend less money upfront by buying disposable batteries.

But if you wish to save money over time, rechargeable batteries are much more cost-effective. Disposable batteries will eventually die, at which point they are useless. 

On the other hand, a rechargeable battery can be used repeatedly. Not forever, but it can be recharged hundreds of times.  

Not all draws are alike

Another factor to consider is the power draw. It’s different for various devices. A flashlight or TV remote’s draw is not particularly strong. Disposable batteries in those types of devices should last a while.

Digital cameras and game controllers, however, have a faster power draw. Batteries in those devices will not last very long. 

Another “con” regarding disposable batteries is they are not environmentally friendly. They can cause fires. And most end up in landfills.  

With rechargeable batteries, you might use a dozen or so through the years. That’s compared to the hundreds of disposable batteries you’d use. 

Save money, time, and the environment 

None of us thinks twice about recharging our battery-operated devices when they get low on power. The principle is the same, so why not charge our batteries as well?

That doesn’t work for disposable batteries. But it does work for rechargeable batteries. With them, you can power everything you need on a single set of batteries. 

Such as phones, flashlights, radios, clocks, and TV remotes. Plus toys, small electronics, digital cameras, electric razors, and much more. Not to mention laptops and tablets. 

In fact, you’ll never need to buy traditional batteries again. It’s a great way to save money, save on trips to the store, and help the environment. 

How to dispose of dead batteries 

Please make sure to dispose of old batteries properly. Negligently tossed batteries are said to cause about 700 fires per year. 

They can explode or ignite when crushed and compacted in the presence of flammable materials. Such as plastic, paper, and cardboard.  

And even when millions of these single-use batteries that get thrown away every year don’t cause fires, they help fill up landfills unnecessarily. And if they leak, some can spread lead, cadmium, and mercury.

Depending on where you live, it may be illegal to dispose of old batteries in the regular trash. In California, for example, it’s illegal to throw away all types of batteries. 

Battery recycling options 

Some people choose to recycle their single-use batteries. Even when they’re not legally required to do so. Here are several ways to do this. You can call your local solid waste district. Your community might have a collection program. Or an upcoming event.

You could do a search in your area for recycling centers that accept single-use batteries. These centers grind batteries into three different products. They are a paper, plastic, and brass fraction. Plus a steel fraction and a zinc manganese concentrate. 

Or you could find a mail-in recycling program that accepts batteries. Most programs sell a container to store used batteries that can be mailed when filled.

To prep a single-use battery for recycling, you can bag each battery separately. Or place non-conductive clear tape over the ends to prevent a current transfer. A single-use battery incapable of running a device might still produce electricity. 

Next, store the batteries in a plastic or cardboard container. One that doesn’t conduct electricity.

Better yet – get rechargeable batteries

Once you’ve disposed of your old batteries – or sooner – I hope you’ll make the change to rechargeable batteries. 

Standard batteries have a bad habit of dying just when you need them most. And when you open that kitchen drawer, you find every type of battery except the one you need. 

Why depend on single-use batteries? They could die at the worst possible time. Especially when you could use batteries that recharge up to 500 times.

My suggestion is the 4Patriots USB-Rechargeable AA Battery Kit. And this is the perfect time to get yours. For a very limited time, we’re offering a BOGO deal on this Kit.

Here’s how to learn more >> CLICK

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