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Food insecurity is a phrase we’ve heard many times. But usually it’s in connection with other countries.

Unfortunately, we’re now hearing it quite often in the U.S. In fact, the rise of food insecurity is being called “unprecedented” by anti-hunger advocates. 

Food insecurity – defined as lacking enough food to live a healthy, active life – is caused by a number of factors. Chief among them are inflation and extreme weather events. Not to mention drought affecting crop yields, plus food stamp cuts, 

According to the latest U.S. Census, the number of Americans who say they sometimes don’t have enough to eat has risen from 15.8 million prior to the pandemic to 19.2 million last month.

Summer storms add to challenge

We can’t stop the conditions causing this problem, but we can prepare for food shortages. Do you have a stockpile of survival food ready in case of emergency?

If your answer is no, I’ve got a great, free way to get you started. And if your answer is yes, I’ve got a great, free way to add to your emergency food supply. Either way, you win. More on this in a moment.

There are a number of problems that could occur this summer that would make having a stockpile of survival food even more important than usual.

They include hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, droughts, and heat waves. Each could result in food supply chain issues no matter where you live.

When you have a survival food stockpile, you don’t have to worry about that stuff. You have peace of mind.

But for some of us, finances are standing in the way of putting together a supply of non-perishable food that can hold us over when the going gets even rougher.

Nearly 2/3 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck

It’s easy for me to say, “Get a stockpile of survival food.” It’s another thing to be able to afford it. Inflation has hit all of us very hard.

According to a recent report from CNBC, 63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. That’s nearly two-thirds of us.

Why? Because rising prices are outpacing income gains. There is less cushion in monthly budgets. Anuj Nayar is the financial health officer for the LendingClub report. Here’s what he says.

“Consumers are not able to keep up with the pace that inflation is increasing. Being employed is no longer enough for the everyday American.” 

Things are tough; we need to be tougher 

As a result, many people aren’t even thinking about trying to stockpile food. They’re focused on surviving until the next paycheck.

And if they are thinking about it, they say they’ll start or continue stockpiling food when things improve.

Well, that seems like faulty thinking to me. There is no guarantee things are going to get better in the near future. In fact, there’s reason to believe they could get worse.

The way things are going in the world, we need to be prepared. Fortunately, there’s a way to prepare for an uncertain future. Even on a tight budget.

Watch for long shelf lives

It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to do this. There are some simple and inexpensive things we can do now to get ready for a crisis.

Following an emergency, it’s likely the electrical grid will not be functioning properly. If at all. So you want to make sure a vast majority of your food items are non-perishable.

In addition, we don’t know how long an emergency will last. So it’s best to have as much food stockpiled as possible. And make sure most of it has a long shelf life. In the meantime, for items that don’t, rotate them out periodically so they don’t go bad. 

If you’re not already in budget mode, try to get there. That means always thinking about how you can spend less and save more. Among the philosophies that must become part of your daily life regarding food are the following:

  • Never pay full price for anything. Always look for bargains. Watch for flash sales. These one-day events offer great savings, but you have to act quickly.
  • Buy items in bulk at places such as Sam’s Club or Costco. Or when they’re on sale in regular stores.
  • Cut and use coupons.
  • Find and use in-store-only offers. 
  • Grow your own food and preserve it. There is tremendous savings in growing fruits and vegetables. And storing some of them for the colder months of the year.
  • Watch for the best deals on websites such as Amazon. They could have exactly what you’re looking for, at a price much less than what you’d spend at a local store.

Tips and tricks

One of the first places you want to look at to save money is your weekly grocery bill. If you’re not paying attention, it can really add up. These days, the average couple spends well over $500 a month on groceries. Let’s look at a few simple ways to save.

Make a list. Grocers know how to position products so shoppers will purchase them. If you have a list, you know just what you need (and what you don’t). And of course, if you avoid shopping when you’re hungry, it’s that much easier to resist tempting displays.

Also, choose foods your family will eat. Variety is important, both physically and psychologically. You could buy some of the healthiest food in the store, but if your family won’t eat it, you’ve thrown your money away.

Shop at Aldi. This no-frills chain offers a smaller variety of products. Usually one store brand of each item. If there is an Aldi in your area, you can easily save money on your grocery bill. Prices are often even better than at Walmart. 

Aldi stores now offer imported foods, fancy cheeses and lots of fresh (even organic) produce. And you’ll save a few pennies by taking your own grocery bags. 

Buy store brands. Buying store brands alone can take a huge chunk out of your grocery costs. Sometimes there will be a brand name item or two you can’t do without. But more often you won’t notice the difference. Except when it’s time to check out. 

Buy in bulk. I’m not talking here about warehouse stores, which have membership fees. And usually a minimum price tag of $10 per item. Even in a regular grocery store, you don’t want to buy large amounts of just anything on sale.

It’s about buying more of things you already use often when there’s a significant sale. If it means you shop less often, this can add up to even more savings.

Another item to purchase in bulk is produce. Onions, potatoes, apples and lemons are almost always cheaper when you buy the bag. Just make sure you actually use them so they don’t go to waste. 

Buying beans and grains in bulk can also stretch your dollars while providing hearty, healthy meals. 

Use digital coupons. Many stores offer digital coupons not available in the weekly newspaper. To acquire these savings, you’ll likely need to set up an account and check off the coupons you wish to use each time you shop. 

Doing this ahead of time as you scan the weekly circular can help you write your shopping list around items with the biggest savings. 

Stick to the store perimeter. Center aisles have many expensive, processed foods full of salt, sugar, and other additives. The outside ring of the store is where you’ll find more foods such as produce, meat, and dairy.

You’ll still need to visit the center aisles for a few things. But focusing on the perimeter will give you more bang for your buck. Try leaving your cart at the end of the aisle, and just dash in for the item you need.

Freeze meals. If you’re buying in bulk, you’ll want to make sure things don’t go to waste. You can freeze many items including bread, milk, and chopped vegetables, as well as whole meals. Just remember your power could go out in a crisis.

There are cookbooks with recipes for freezing meals in bulk. When you make a meal, cook enough for two meals so you can serve one and freeze the other. It requires almost no extra work, but will save you time and money.

Use fewer ingredients. Sometimes the simplest food tastes best. But you wouldn’t always know it looking at some of the complicated recipes out there.

Sites such as Allrecipes (AllRecipes.com) are great for finding different options for your favorite recipes. And usually the top reviews will include tips on how to make them even easier.

We’ve all learned that preparedness is crucial. Regardless of how tight our budgets are. By following some of the suggestions above, we can all afford to be prepared for whatever life throws at us. 

Free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit

Earlier I promised a free way to get you started on your food stockpiling journey or a free way to add to your stash. 

For a very limited time, I’m offering you a free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit from 4Patriots. All I ask is that you pay shipping and handling, which I think is fair.

This emergency food kit features a total of 16 servings, with Grammy’s Sweet Oatmeal for the morning, America’s Finest Mac & Cheese for noontime and Creamy Rice and Vegetable Dinner for the evening.

Simple to prepare, this delicious and nutritious food will carry you through a rough 72-hour stretch. And it’s designed to last 25 years under proper storage conditions.

Here’s how to get your free 72-Hour Survival Food Kit…


† Today your survival food kit is FREE, simply cover $14.95 S&H. This exact kit regularly sells for $27 plus $14.95 S&H on our website. Click here to see it.
* 25-year shelf life under proper storage conditions. Excess heat and/or damage to packaging may decrease shelf life. For more information, see footnote 8.
+ You may want or need more calories per day, especially if you’re pregnant, a child, elderly, or have other health conditions. For more information, see footnote 2.

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