There are two types of people in the world. One knows it’s only a matter of time before an emergency occurs and so they prepare for it. The other also knows it’s only a matter of time before an emergency occurs, but they figure they’ll deal with it when the time comes.
Because you’re reading this communication from us at 4Patriots, I’ll assume you are among that first group. And I’m very glad to know that.
You’ve seen it over and over again – either firsthand or in the news – so you know some kind of crisis is going to affect you, probably sooner rather than later.
And you know that when it occurs, grocery store shelves will empty of food and water quickly. Long lines will form at gas pumps. People will search for backup power wherever they can find it. I hope you’ve already done what you can to prepare for the inevitable.
Have you thought of everything?
But even if you have thought ahead and prepared for a potential disaster, you might not have considered everything.
To fully protect yourself and your family, you need to prepare for a number of different scenarios with a variety of products.
Below I’ve listed 15 things that could be difficult to get your hands on during a crisis. Because there will be high demand – not to mention jacked up prices – and limited supplies due to disrupted supply chains.
If you take care of these needs in advance, you’ll gain peace of mind. And you’ll have the items you need when others around you are scrambling in panic mode.
Water. I don’t have to tell you how crucial this need is. More often than not, an emergency situation will result in the compromised quality of the local water supply. It could be shut off altogether, or contaminated. You need both a supply of usable water and a way to filter what’s coming out of your taps.
Food. Again, this is pretty basic, and something we’ve preached repeatedly. You need a significant supply of long-lasting survival food to carry you and your family through a crisis. Often first to disappear during an emergency are perishables such as milk, bread, and eggs, as well as non-perishables including soups, stews, grains, and granola and protein bars.
Shelter. Everyone hopes that if a crisis occurs, they’ll be able to hunker down at home rather than having to bug out. That’s usually the case so make sure your home is able to withstand extreme weather events. But in addition, create a plan that involves where you will go and alternate routes to get there if you do need to evacuate. Not everyone can afford a cabin in the woods, so at the very least have a list of hotels/motels outside your immediate area where you could head if necessary.
Medical supplies. Talk to your physician about getting at least a three-month supply of each med you take regularly. Medical supplies will become victims of a supply chain problem, so stay as far ahead of that as possible.
First-aid kit. You should also purchase or assemble a comprehensive first-aid kit and keep one at home and one in each of your vehicles. It’s also a good idea to have back-ups for medical equipment you use regularly, including CPAP machines and blood pressure monitors.
Hygiene items. Toilet paper, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and a wide variety of other personal hygiene items will get scooped up at stores immediately after a crisis occurs. Having a good supply in advance will be a big help.
Backup power. One common denominator with just about every crisis is our vulnerable electric grid going down. It doesn’t take much for that to happen. Which makes having backup power crucial. Your best defense is a solar-powered generator, but you also want to have pocket-sized power banks to keep your smaller electronic devices charged. Including your cellphone.
Fuel. There is probably a limited amount of fuel you’ll want to keep in your garage for safety reasons, but it’s not a bad idea to have a few gallons available in safe containers. A disaster is likely to limit access to fuel. And try to remember to keep each of your vehicles’ gas tanks as full as possible on a regular basis because you never know when a crisis will occur.
Flashlights. Basic flashlights are better than nothing, but what you really want are tactical flashlights that serve a variety of purposes. Including one that can cut a seatbelt or break a window, and that can flash an SOS signal and even charge other electrical items. Keep a couple at home and at least one in each of your vehicles.
Batteries. Some of your emergency supplies, including basic flashlights, need batteries, so compile a collection of batteries in different sizes. A dead battery is one of the last things you’ll want to have in a crisis.
Emergency radio. Regardless of the disaster that will cause you to hunker down or bug out, you can stay on top of the news with an emergency radio. And if it’s solar-powered, you don’t have to worry about your power going out. You’ll have up-to-the-minute information on the crisis, including weather forecasts and which areas are most affected by the emergency.
Fire-starters. This can take many forms, including Bic lighters, matches, and even flint and steel. Weather-proof fire-starters are reliable and effective.
Solar Cooker. If you’re without electrical power – whether at home or after bugging out – you’ll want a way to heat water. A portable solar cooker will do the trick. It can boil water for coffee, tea or cocoa, as well as hot dogs and more. Not to mention a hot wet cloth for cleaning.
Camp Stove. With very little smoke and no gas whatsoever, you can cook meals without power when you have a portable camp stove. Just add twigs and leaves and you’ll have a small fire that can cook a variety of foods.
One more ‘cool’ necessity
A number of the items listed above can fit in a bug-out bag or other emergency kit. Once you’ve fully stocked that kit, keep it near your front door so you can grab it and go in a hurry if necessary.
Let me add one final item to your emergency supplies: ice. Say what? How in the world can I keep ice in an emergency kit?
Well, you can’t, because obviously it will melt. But if you always keep ice in your freezers and have a convenient place to move it to when the power goes out, you’ll be able to keep food and medicines cold, and also use that ice for first-aid if necessary.
And just in case you’re ever tempted to take ice for granted, did you hear what happened last summer in Spain? Due to a heat wave, high energy bills, and ongoing concern about the pandemic, many stores limited the amount of ice bags consumers could purchase.
The same could happen here someday, so be prepared!