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So, you’ve made the decision to join the prepper movement, and you’re not exactly sure where to begin. It’s easy to feel a little stressed and even overwhelmed when you first start gathering supplies and begin organizing them—there are literally hundreds of items available on the market.
With so many options, you need a checklist to refer to when stockpiling the essentials, so you know exactly what you need and what you’ve already purchased. Here’s the ultimate preppers’ guide to help you document and organize your supplies.
The Ultimate Supply Checklist
- Water and filtration methods
- food
- First Aid Supplies
- Shelter
- Heat and Power
- Tools and misc. Items
- Personal and comfort items
Did you know that FEMA recommends you store one-gallon of H2O per day for each person in the household? It’s not possible to carry large amounts of water if you need to leave your house in a hurry or the supply needs to last for a long period. So, keeping two ways to purify or filter water on hand is also extremely important.
Boiling water is one of the easiest and safest ways to make sure any water you’ve gathered is safe to drink. Boil it for at least sixty seconds and then pour it back and forth between two different containers. This process will cool it down and put oxygen back into it to improve the taste.
It’s also a good idea to learn where the closest bodies of water are and consider a personal water filter or drinking water germicidal tablets. Being cut off from community resources means you will need a large supply of water or at least know where nearby sources are.
Just like water, food is essential to your survival. Thankfully, there are plenty of shelf-stable food items available.
- Powdered milk
- Rice
- Pasta
- Iodized salt
- Pasta
- Honey
- Dry beans
- Canned fruits
- Peanut butter
- Jellies and jams
- Canned veggies
- Oats
- Rice
- Flour
- Wheat
- Powdered and canned cheese
- Energy and power bars
- Freeze-dried food
- Tea
- Coffee
- Spices
- Baking powder
- Vinegar
Keep a running list of all the food and its expiration date if you plan on storing more than a thirty-day supply. You will need to switch things out periodically, so storing things that you like to eat will make rotating the food much easier.
First Aid Supplies
You will need essential first aid supplies in case hospitals, and doctors are not available. You can purchase a great pre-made first aid kit like the ones at Stealth Angel Survival, or you can make your own. It should include:
- Neosporin
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Band-aids and bandages
- Butterfly bandages
- Ace bandages
- Rolled gauze
- Medical tape
- Duoderm
- Burn gel
- Moleskin or blister pads
- Scissors
- Material for splinting
- Nitrile gloves
- Alcohol pads
- Thermometer
- Aspirin or Tylenol
- Vaseline
- Snakebite kit
- Benadryl
- Aloe-vera
- Pedialyte
- Needles and sutures
- Syringes
- Tweezers
- Hand-sanitizer
- Essential oils
- Quick clot
- Q-tips and cotton balls
- Insect repellent
- Prescription medicines, especially antibiotics
- Chapstick
- Charcoal tablets
- Smelling salts
- Antibiotics
- Iodide tables
- Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
- Sunblock
- First aid manuals
Of course, feel free to personalize this list of necessary supplies to meet the needs of your family. Everyone is different and has their own medical issues, so it’s of the utmost importance that you include everything that you will need for an extended period.
Shelter is also critical, especially if you are on the go. If you happen to have the skills to make one yourself, then that is great! However, most beginning preppers don’t, so you need to look at other options. If you need to leave on the fly, then a bug-out bag is the first item you should purchase.
A bug-out bag is simply a bag you keep stocked with the necessary items if an emergency situation were to occur and you need to leave your house quickly.
Tents are a perfect shelter, but they can be too difficult to carry because they are often rather heavy. Instead, choose a lightweight tarp that folds and stores easily in your bag. You need something that will protect you from the natural elements because sleep is extremely critical to keep you going during catastrophic events.
Heat And Power
Hypothermia is a serious medical risk whether you’re on the go or without power—even if it’s not freezing outside. With this in mind, be sure to wear layers of warm clothing so you can take off or add extra layers as the weather changes. Comfortable boots and socks also keep you warm and make traveling on foot much easier.
Sleeping bags and blankets are other essential items for warmth and comfort. Be sure to stock up on rechargeable and disposable batteries or critical items such as battery-powered lanterns, tactical flashlights, and other electronics. Purchase a solar power watt kit and a power inverter that allow you to power electricity or simply purchase items with batteries that use the sun.
Tools And Other Miscellaneous Items
There are several tools that you want to make sure you have on hand in the event of an emergency, such as:
- Ax
- Wire for repairs
- Wheelbarrow
- Shovel
- Screwdrivers
- Hammer
- Firestarter or matches
- Multi-tool
- Screws and nails
- Bleach
- Jumper cables
- Duct tape
- Zip ties
- Trash bags
- Glass jars
- Pencil and paper
- Land maps
- Compass
- Rope or cordage
Personal And Comfort Items
There are other nice items that can provide some comfort and perhaps a feeling of normalcy when things get a little crazy. You will want deodorant and soap for personal hygiene, as well as toilet paper.
Cards and board games can provide entertainment, while gum, hard candy, and chocolate can be treats. You can also stock up on books to read and even stash your favorite wine for special occasions.
In addition to these items, if you purchase a ham radio, you can still have a connection with the outside world. It’s a way of communication that has withstood the test of time. Just be sure to keep a list of codes, contact numbers, and radio frequencies so you will have everything you need. A hand-crank radio and walkie talkies are other excellent ways to communicate.
Wrapping It Up
This ultimate prepper checklist certainly isn’t all-inclusive by any means. When you’re stockpiling essential items to survive if you and your family are cut off from community resources, tailor the list to your specific needs. Just make sure to add the essentials like water, food, first aid supplies, and shelter.
And don’t feel as though you need to buy everything all at once! Start stashing back a few items at a time, and you will settle into the prepper lifestyle in no time.
When looking for survival items, be sure to purchase from a reliable company with a true passion for providing top-quality products at an affordable price—like Stealth Angel Survival.
Stealth Angel Survival is backed by a world-class customer support team that is with you every step of the way to ensure you get exactly what you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones in the event of an emergency.
Whether you are looking for first aid kits or all-in-one emergency kits, Stealth Angel Survival has got your back.