by survival life | Apr 29, 2021 |
Learning how to make a coconut rope from scratch means having a backup plan should anything happen to your store-bought survival ropes. Learn with us how to make one in five simple steps RELATED: Out of Rope? Make Your Own Cordage Making a Coconut Rope from Scratch in...
by survival life | Apr 28, 2021 |
RELATED: 377 Survival Hacks And Skills You Should Know Riot Season 2021 In Episode 128, we talk about the 2021 riot season this spring and summer: why the riots happened in the spring and summer, why they’ll be bigger than last year, and what precautions you can...
by survival life | Apr 27, 2021 |
Knowing how to treat a snake bite can save lives. Less than 10 percent of venomous snake bites are lethal, but that does not mean the 90 percent are not dangerous. RELATED: Venomous Snakes Of North America How to Treat a Lethal Snake Bite In Four Simple Steps Click...
by survival life | Apr 27, 2021 |
RELATED: How To Start Prepping On A Budget What We’ve Learned From Doing a Prepping Podcast for 5 Years The Casual Preppers Podcast celebrate the show’s fifth year and discuss what they learned in the half a decade of doing the show. Up Next: Power Outage Tips: How...
by survival life | Apr 27, 2021 |
I just got my hands on the “Reaper,” the newest knife from Hoffman-Richter… and let’s say; you gotta see it to believe it! This tanto-tipped tactical tool is the most incredible defensive device I’ve ever seen… And it’s also a limited edition! RELATED: [First Look] An...
by survival life | Apr 26, 2021 |
RELATED: Survivalism Meets Homesteading: The To-Do List How To Make Money On Your Homestead This week a listener by the name of Jeremiah reached out and asked me some questions about the best way to make money on your homestead. After I answered him, I got to...
by survival life | Apr 25, 2021 |
There are many different advantages associated with emergency weather radios. Regardless of where you live, or the emergency conditions that you may be subjected to, weather radios have the capability of providing you with the detailed information that you need to...
by survival life | Apr 24, 2021 |
The wind is blowing hard, the rain is horizontal and it’s freezing cold at 3:00 am a tree just fell onto the dining room side of the house, rain is coming in. Three trees have fallen across the only road to our side of the island, neighbors are out there cutting it...
by survival life | Apr 23, 2021 |
Being lost at sea and risk dying of dehydration is the world’s greatest irony. Therefore, learning how to make seawater drinkable is a vital skill every survivalist needs. Here is a detailed six-step guide. RELATED: Non-Potable Water | Types and How to Spot Them |...
by survival life | Apr 23, 2021 |
RELATED: Best Plants For Your Survival Garden Growing Under Cover With Niki Jabbour Growing Under Cover: Techniques for a More Productive, Weather-Resistant, Pest-Free Vegetable Garden. Up Next: Planning A Real Fall Garden | 5 Tips & Tricks Preparing Your Spring...