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Proteins have frequently been called the building blocks of life. And no wonder. They are absolutely crucial for life.

In fact, they are the main components of our cells. Considering that the average human body has about 37.2 trillion cells, proteins are very significant.

They are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies. They contribute to building, repairing, and maintaining tissues. Other functions include triggering important processes within cells. Such as cell division, cell shape maintenance, and cell movement.

Proteins also help us move. If our protein intake is too low, muscles don’t move smoothly. Unfortunately, our bodies can’t store amino acids like they can fats and carbohydrates.

So, we need a daily intake of them through dietary protein. Not surprisingly, they are especially important during an emergency situation.

Pairing your plant-based proteins

A study published in the British Medical Journal revealed that eating a high-protein diet reduces the risk of serious health issues. We all know meat is a great source of protein. This report emphasized that plant-based, high-protein diets are also associated with avoiding those issues.

The study suggested consuming a variety of plant-based protein sources. Including legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils. As well as whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Brittany Bearden is a sports nutrition manager with Texas Health Sports Medicine. She said most plant foods do not contain all of the essential amino acids. Therefore, they should be properly paired with each other.

“Pair complementary proteins together to form a complete protein that provides all essential amino acids,” she said.

Examples include rice and beans, hummus with pita bread, and peanut butter on whole wheat bread. She added that plant foods also provide nutrients and fiber. “It promotes a healthy digestive system. It helps keep you feeling full.” 

How much protein do I need? 

So, how do we know how much protein is enough? And how much might be too much?

Here’s what the National Academy of Medicine says. Adults should consume a little over seven grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight.

A 140-pound person should get about 50 grams of protein per day. A 200-pound person should get about 70 grams of protein daily.

The Academy also says protein should account for anywhere from 10 to 35 percent of our daily calories.

Don’t forget fruits & veggies

One of the advantages of plant-based protein is that it doesn’t come with too much saturated fat or sodium.

For example, a cup of cooked lentils provides approximately 18 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber. But it has practically no saturated fat or sodium.

Many fruits and vegetables also contain protein. Although in smaller quantities compared to other plant-based foods.

Vegetables with higher amounts of protein than most include corn and broccoli. Plus asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and artichokes. 

Here is a short list of 7 protein sources you can use any time – including during an emergency.

  • Fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried spinach
  • Fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried peas
  • Fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried lima beans
  • Acorns
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Sunflower seeds

But Frank, I love meat!

As we’ve discussed, there are plenty of good sources of protein that do not involve meat. And it’s a very good idea to keep several of them around for an emergency.

But the reality is, most people like meat. Let me rephrase that. Most people love meat. And that’s the way many people prefer to get most of their protein 

Unfortunately, meat will be grabbed in a hurry by just about everyone when a crisis hits. Or even worse, right before a crisis hits, assuming there is a warning. It’s very likely there will not be time to get the meat you and your family want and need to deal with an emergency.

But here’s the good news. By planning ahead and acquiring the canned meat you need ahead of time, you’ll be in good shape and won’t have to stand in line outside a grocery store, only to find shelves empty by the time you get in there.

4Patriots Survival Canned Meat

Now, I’m not referring here to the canned meat you might buy at the store. That stuff doesn’t taste all that great and doesn’t last all that long.

I’m talking about the 4Patriots Survival Canned Meat that tastes great and is designed to last 15 years under proper storage conditions, and is guaranteed to last 5 years. It’s the ideal addition to your emergency food supply.

If you’re thinking, “That’s great, Frank. But no matter how good it tastes and how long it lasts, my family and I will get tired of the same meat over and over again. 

I hear ya. And that’s why we offer 5 – that’s right, 5 – different types of meat among our Survival Canned Meat selections. That’s Beef, Chicken, Pork, Turkey, and Ground Beef. We’re talking 100% real meat here, not some synthetic stuff. It’s also gluten-free, and paleo and keto friendly.

This meat is pre-cooked and ready to eat. No refrigeration required, which is perfect considering emergencies almost always involve power outages.

Of course, you don’t have to wait for an emergency to try our Survival Canned Meat. Buy some for now to lock in the price as inflation continues – or to ensure your family has meat during shortages – and obtain some to save for an uncertain future.

Here’s how to get yours…

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