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Due to deployments and frequent relocations, military parents-to-be often live far from their extended families and support systems.


As with many new parents, they have questions, concerns, and fears. And that’s why Operation Homefront launched its Star Spangled Babies program in 2008. The organization provides these parents-to-be with critical baby items.


At the recent Star Spangled Babies event in Clarksville, Tennessee, 50 expectant mothers were served.


Each received a baby bundle including baby wash and lotion, pacifiers, wipes, onesies and teethers. Plus baby towels, baby blankets and baby carriers. As well as boppy pillows, white noise machines and more.


Expectant mothers also received diapers, breastfeeding starter kits from Kiinde, and emergency kits from Tactical Baby Gear. Additionally, they each received a 3-pack of Blackout Beacon Emergency Lights from 4Patriots.


Expectant Mothers Grateful for the Help


“A mother at the event was impressed with the Blackout Beacon Emergency Lights and loved that she was given a 3-pack,” said Alexis Contreras, Program Manager at Operation Homefront.


“She expressed how impressed she was of all its potential uses and noted that she would be using one as a motion-sensor night light.”


Here are a few other comments from expectant mothers regarding the gifts they received from Operation Homefront:


“Being new parents to our first child, it can be hard at times. We really appreciate the extra diapers and things we weren’t able to buy before the baby arrived.”


“You have no idea how helpful this event was for our family. This is our first baby and being away from family has been tough!”


“My family appreciates your events that truly help us during these trying times. Everyone is so nice and welcoming.”


More Than 19,700 Mothers Served


Alexis said Star Spangled Babies events are held at locations across the country throughout the calendar year.


In 2021, Operation Homefront served more than 950 expectant mothers. Since inception, the Star-Spangled Babies program has served more than 19,700 new mothers.


“Mothers have been extremely appreciative of the Star Spangled Babies program and have highlighted the items gifted to be budget-relieving to expectant military families,” Alexis added.


The Star Spangled Babies program is supported by both direct donor funding and designated funding.


Serving America’s Military Families

Operation Homefront is a national 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive – not simply struggle to get by – in the communities they have worked so hard to protect.

Since 2002, thanks to the support of corporate and foundation partners, as well as individual donors, Operation Homefront has provided Critical Financial Assistance (CFA), transitional and permanent housing, and recurring family support programs and services to hundreds of thousands of military families each year.

That way, those families’ short-term financial challenges do not become long-term, debilitating issues. Operation Homefront provides financial relief pertaining to food, auto and home repair. As well as rent, mortgage, and utilities, among other needs to military families through their CFA program.

At its core, Operation Homefront serves America’s military families in their time of need because they have served all of us in our nation’s time of need.

Back-to-School Brigade – Another Aid to Military Parents

Another one of Operation Homefront’s programs is its annual Back-to-School Brigade. This program provides fully stocked backpacks to tens of thousands of children of military members each year.


Each backpack is filled with items that children and teens from kindergarten through 12th grade will need for their school year.


These items include basic supplies such as pens, pencils, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, scissors, glue, binders and composition books. Since 2008, most of the supplies have been contributed by Dollar Tree customers in stores across the nation.


“We couldn’t do this without them,” said Samantha Martin, Area Manager for Operation Homefront. “Dollar Tree stores make it possible for their customers to contribute supplies to the backpacks.”


More Than 450,000 Backpacks Distributed


Last year during a two-month period, Operation Homefront distributed approximately 30,000 backpacks filled with donated school supplies at more than 130 different locations in all 50 states.


Since 2008, Operation Homefront has distributed more than 450,000 of these backpacks, saving families over $50 million.


“When many of us think of summer, we think of pools, popsicles and picnics,” Samantha said. “For military families, it’s PCS (permanent change of station) season and getting ready to start their kids in a new school.


“Military families have unique challenges. With the Back-to-School Brigade, we try to ease the financial burden on parents and give the kids something to smile about. It’s very important to let them all know they have a support system.”


4Patriots, which makes a monthly financial donation to Operation Homefront, provided 800 of its 72-hour Survival Food Kits to last year’s Back-to-School Brigade at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

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