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As every prepper knows, early preparation plays an integral role in any crisis survival strategy. Every well-equipped prepper needs an emergency bag that contains food, health, hygiene, and self-defense essentials.

In this article:

    1. Essentials
    2. Hygiene and Health
    3. Logistics
    4. Daily Living Needs
    5. Miscellaneous

RELATED: What Is An Emergency Kit?

17 Items Every Prepper Should Carry in an Emergency Bag


1. Water

Survivalists should have at least three days’ worth of drinking water for every party member when scavenging for a hideout or bunker area.

On the other hand, your chosen bunker or camping site should have a nearby water source. If you cannot find a suitable hideout yet or are stuck in a location where you cannot get access to water, store at least two weeks’ worth of potable water per individual.

2. Food

Carry three weeks’ worth of non-perishable goods in your emergency kit. Similarly, your home or bunker should have two weeks’ worth of food stored in a dry, cool area away from direct sunlight.

Although, we advise delaying the use of your emergency food supply for as long as you can. If possible, source your food by hunting or picking fruits and veggies in the forest. Save the non-perishables for life-or-death situations.

3. Emergency Medication

Don’t forget to bring your prescription and maintenance medication. In a crisis where you do not have access to clinics, the last thing you would want is to fall ill.

4. Extra Clothes

Contrary to popular belief, survivalists cannot keep wearing the same set of clothes. Wearing fresh clothes at least every other day or so reduces your risk of catching various infectious diseases.

Also, sure you have a good mix of light and heavy clothing in your emergency bag. You wouldn’t want to get caught in the middle of a snowing forest with nothing but a thin shirt on you, would you?

Hygiene and Health

5. Essential Toiletries

Bring your soap, shampoo, toilet paper, diapers, and other toileting essentials. Regular handwashing and sanitation will slow down the spread of germs, which is extremely crucial in a crisis where clinics and hospitals are closed.

6. Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins and supplements can provide your body with the essential nutrients to fortify your immune system. Having these supplements can help complete your daily nutritional needs, especially if you do not have access to full meals.

7. First Aid Kit

Bring a first-aid kit with you that contains everything you’ll need in the event of an accident. Some of the most crucial items include, but are not limited to, the following: topical ointments, wound cleaners, compression wraps, bandages, and pain killers.

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8. Cash and Tangible Assets

A common misconception about crisis planning is that you won’t need money. This is far from the truth. No matter what crisis transpires, society will retain some form of economy, and its constituents will need to follow some type of currency.

Carry a good mix of fiat money and tangible investments like gold and silver. You need crisis-proof assets that would retain value even in a post-crisis society.

9. Communication Devices

Make sure you have battery-powered radio devices that you can use for daily communication. These devices play an especially crucial role in natural disasters and crises wherein you might get separated from your party members.

10. Map and Compass

Never traverse unfamiliar lands. If you do not have access to a GPS device or map, at least make sure you have a compass on you, so you don’t end up getting lost.

Daily Living Needs

11. Fire-Starting Kit

Having a campfire can spell the difference between life and death during crises. You can use the flames to torch your uncooked, bacteria-filled raw meat, and at the same time, it can also serve as a heat source during harsh winter nights.

With that in mind, always carry a small can of gas and a pack of matches. Although if possible, try learning how to start a fire using primitive tools such as a bow and drill gives as well so you can start a fire any time you need to.

12. Food Hunting Equipment

A knife and pistol can help you hunt varmints like squirrels, wolves, and feral hogs for food. That way, you don’t exhaust your emergency food supply right from the get-go.

13. Sleeping Bags and Tents

Always pack a sleeping bag or tent. Sleeping on the cold, hard ground is not only extremely uncomfortable but doing so also leaves you prone to various diseases and illnesses.

14. Bleach

Bleach is a useful multi-purpose solution you can use for various tasks, from cleaning clothes to disinfecting your water source. Make sure you have at least a few liters in your bag. And if possible, store a few gallons in your bunker or hideout spot as well.


15. Identification Records

Carry important documents such as your birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, and social security number. You never know when you’ll need these documents in extreme crises.

16. Baby and Pet Essentials

Bear in mind that babies and pets have no way of surviving crisis situations without the help of a human adult, so it’s up to you to take care of them. Make sure you have their essentials stored away as well.

17. Self-Defense Weapons

Carry one or two pieces of self-defense weapons. Instead of focusing on using large, intimidating weapons, focus on simple, functional tools that you can utilize to the fullest in different emergencies.

Plus, it shouldn’t take up too much space. Having a long, bulky rifle or shotgun hanging out of your backpack will do more than good,

Check out this video by BlackScoutSurvival where they share the ideal bug out bag checklist:

There are no strict rules or guidelines on what to pack in an emergency bag. Every household has varying needs. For example, families with small children might prioritize food and medication, while large groups of young adults may focus on security and self-defense.

Also, survivalists should strive to create a solid, efficient survival plan to go along with their bug-out bag. Emergency bag contents will simply serve as tools. Your chances of survival in any given crisis highly depend on your ability to utilize the available resources.

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What other essentials do you think every prepper should have in their emergency bag? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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