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What states will survive the zombie apocalypse? Find out if your state will survive a wave of brain-eating undead.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

What States Will Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

, Best Go Bag

1. Nebraska

, Best Go Bag

Nebraska is the best state to survive a zombie apocalypse. It has a population density of 24.94 people per sq mi and vast amounts of farmland.

The fewer people you encounter, the less likely you’ll get sick. It also relies more and more on renewable energy sources like wind and solar power.

Once the zombies cut you off the primary power grid, this comes in handy.

2. Idaho

, Best Go Bag

It doesn’t surprise that the potato capital is on the list of zombie apocalypse survivors. You’re far from other people at a density of 21.6 people per square mile.

Idaho permits open carry, and most know how to defend themselves from zombie hordes. Unfortunately, it happens to be the state with some of the loosest gun laws.

3. North Dakota

, Best Go Bag

North Dakota’s the last frontier when it comes to historical forts. But, these forts also happen to be some of the best protection during the zombie apocalypse.

Some places even have underground bunkers that keep you hidden from any undead. One example is the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site in Cooperstown.

4. California

, Best Go Bag

California has the best solar infrastructure and is home to Huntington Beach. As a result, the coastal city gets the honor of being the best city to survive the zombie apocalypse.

You’re bound to find more fit and healthy residents in this area near the coast. The Sunshine State should be a safe spot if you avoid the metropolitan areas.

5. South Dakota

, Best Go Bag

Like the state to the north, South Dakota has some of the most bountiful farms. But, without many people to share the harvest with, your food can also last you for quite a while.

Make sure to sort out your energy sources, as it has less solar power capacity than other states. Other than that, surviving a zombie apocalypse in this state should be easy peasy.

RELATED: Real Zombie Survival Tips From Z Nation You Can Apply In A Fallout

6. Iowa

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Iowa’s known for its large ears of corn, so it’s one of the states to be in if you want to survive the zombie apocalypse.

It also ranks among the highest gross receipts of farms per capita. Only the Dakotas and Nebraska remain ahead of the pack.

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the lowest ranking states on gun ownership. Better learn how to handle one soon if you want to survive the zombie apocalypse in this state.

7. Nevada

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Nevada’s vast deserts have enough room for you to run around if a zombie comes knocking on your door. But, researchers proved that Nevada remains zombie-free months into an infestation.

Don’t take a gamble of bunkering in the City of Sin, and the zombies shouldn’t stop you in your tracks.

8. Montana

, Best Go Bag

The state with one of the highest rates of gun ownership should have zombies’ boots shaking. Its gorgeous mountain ranges and national parks double as shelters as well.

If a wave of zombies arrives from neighboring states, Montana has your back.

9. Kansas

, Best Go Bag

Kansas’s wheat fields are a great source of nutrition and a perfect zombie hideout. They can produce a ton of wheat even during the harshest of winters, making them ready no matter what.

With as much as 90% of the land dedicated to agriculture, you’re not going to be hungry here.

Furthermore, October is Zombie Preparedness Month in Kansas. So you’re safe when disaster strikes.

Ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? BudgetBugout shows you what to bring in your survival kit here:

What states will survive the zombie apocalypse boils down to three things:

  • How self-sufficient they are when it comes to food, shelter, and power,
  • How prepared their infrastructure is for disasters, and
  • Whether the people in the area are overpopulated.

Whether or not doomsday arrives, don’t forget to learn vital survival skills. And before anything else, pack your emergency kit.

When the zombies arrive, get your gear ready and put yourself to work.

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Do you think the zombie apocalypse will ever happen? Share your thoughts and theories in the comments section below!

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