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Deal with all sorts of facial hair troubles the simplest and easiest way with this beard care guide.

Your Badass Beard Care Guide to Beard Growing Issues

1. Beard Itch


You’ll encounter beard itch as a common complaint when growing a beard. This is especially true when you’ve been baby-faced for years and are now just getting into the basics of badass beard care and beard growing. As new hairs grow, their edges scrape against the skin, and this causes the skin to itch. When the beard is already fully grown, poor hygienic conditions underneath the hair can irritate and make the skin itchy.

The Remedy:
Beard care and maintenance also involve knowing what natural ingredients will best address issues that’ll crop up from time to time. With beard itch, you can use Argan or Moroccan oil, camellia oil, avocado oil, or jojoba oil to tame inflammation. These oils will moisturize your skin and get rid of skin dryness, which is a contributor to itchiness. After returning suppleness to your mug, these oils will nourish your epidermis with Vitamin E and antioxidants. Look for beard oils or elixirs with minty scents like menthol or tea tree to help soothe the itch.

We recommend: Wild Willie’s Beard Elixir in Cool Mint

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 6, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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