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4Patriots Video Spotlights U.S. Veterans

If you’ve been a 4Patriots customer for any length of time, you know how important U.S. veterans, active-duty troops and their families are to us. A vast majority of our financial and product donations – made possible by your purchases – go to organizations that...

Stockpiling Food on a Tight Budget

Have you ever seen a photo of a family sitting comfortably in their underground bunker with big smiles on their faces? Their living space might be a tad cramped, but it looks like they have several years’ worth of non-perishable food and other items at their...

Safety Tips for Halloween 2021

New COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths have all been decreasing lately. But we’ve seen coronavirus lulls followed by spikes before, so no one is taking anything for granted. And with Halloween coming in four days, some of us have questions. Including, how...

Household hacks you should know

When it comes to life-saving gear, you are limited only by your imagination — and your commitment to use it. Luckily, there are plenty of versatile items you already own that can double as survival gear. The following items, combined with some knowledge of basic...
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