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Summary of United States Regulation on Using Hypochlorous Acid in Food Contact

FDA Food Contact Notification 1811 – Hypochlorous Acid at 60 ppm used with Produce, Fish & Seafood, Meat and Poultry Sanitation 

Hypochlorous Acid may be used as an anti-microbial agent in processing facilities at up to 60 ppm for use in process water or ice which comes into contact with food as a spray, wash, rinse, dip, chiller water, and scalding water for whole or cut meat and poultry, including carcasses, parts, trim, and organs; in process water, ice, or brine used for washing, rinsing, or cooling of processed and pre-formed meat and poultry products as defined in 21 CFR 170.3(n)(29) and 21 CFR 170.3(n)(34), respectively; in process water or ice for washing, rinsing or cooling fruits, vegetables, whole or cut fish and seafood; and in process water for washing or rinsing shell eggs.

FDA Guidance for Industry: Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables 

The anti-microbial activity of a chlorine-based disinfectant depends on the amount of hypochlorous acid (also called “free chlorine”) present in the water. The amount of hypochlorous acid in the water depends upon the pH of the water, the amount of organic material in the water, and, to some extent, the temperature of the water. If the amount of hypochlorous acid is not maintained when the amount of organic material increases, the antimicrobial agent may lose effectiveness in maintaining water quality. If a fresh-cut processor uses a chlorine containing compound as a disinfectant, we recommend that the processor monitor the processing water for free chlorine or hypochlorous acid concentrations.  Visit Source at FDA Website 

EPA: Food-Contact Surface Sanitizing Solutions – Allowance of Hypochlorous Acid at up to 200 ppm 

The following chemical substances when used as ingredients in an anti-microbial pesticide formulation may be applied to food-contact surfaces in public eating places, dairy-processing equipment, and food-processing equipment and utensils. When ready for use, the end-use concentration of all hypochlorous acid chemicals in the solution is not to exceed 200 ppm determined as total available chlorine.




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