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November 26th is the birthday of both gun inventor Eugene Reising (born 1884, died February 21, 1967) and the late Barton Biggs (born 1932, died July 14, 2012).  Biggs was a money manager known for his pro-preparedness stance. Pictured is a Reising submachinegun. — Our George Patton’s Birthday sale is continuing, at Elk Creek Company.  Check out the reduced prices on all of our pre-1899 antique cartridge guns, percussion replicas, percussion conversion cylinders, bayonets, and knives. The sale ends on Saturday, December 11th, 2021. — Round 97 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest ends soon, so get busy writing and …

The post Preparedness Notes for Friday — November 26, 2021 appeared first on SurvivalBlog.com.

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