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Did you know that you can still enjoy yourself as a prepper despite being single on Valentines day? Besides going out with loved ones, there are a ton of fun things you can do as a prepper to keep busy on Valentines day.

Here is a lineup of suggestions you can borrow from.

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7 Surefire Ways to Enjoy Being Single on Valentines Day

, Best Go Bag

1. Work on Your To-Do List

, Best Go Bag

You can never be too prepared for survival. It, therefore, makes perfect sense to have a long to-do list as a prepper. Being single on Valentines day avails an excellent opportunity for you to cut back on this list by getting some things done.

This way, you get to spend your Valentines day productively doing what you love and that is beneficial for your survival.

2. Sharpen Your Survival Skills

, Best Go Bag

Having a pile of survival gear makes no sense if you have not mastered how to use it to get yourself through a life or death situation. Therefore, take advantage of being single on Valentines day and work towards sharpening these skills.

This could be anything from perfecting how to use gear like Ferro rods, avalanche gear, and paracords among other gear.

3. Increase Your Knowledge Pool

, Best Go Bag

Even the most experienced prepper can do with a few extra tips on how to up their prepping game. Turn your single Valentines day into a day of learning by adding as much information as you to your existing arsenal.

Luckily, do not have to go to a library or spend money on books as the internet is packed with tons of information useful to preppers. What’s more, being single on Valentines day allows you time to familiarize yourself with the information you need to kickstart your prepping journey as a beginner.

RELATED: Thanksgiving Survival Guide | 11 Tips for a Healthier Holiday

4. How about Foraging

, Best Go Bag

Besides keeping yourself occupied if you are single on Valentines day, winter foraging is a genius way to ensure you have a constant supply of nuts, berries, seeds, wild greens, mushrooms, and even insects throughout winter.


  • Remember that due to increased caloric requirements, you will most likely need more food to survive during winter than you normally would.
  • Also, be cautious of the shorter winter days to avoid being stranded in unfamiliar territory in the dark.
  • Beware of rodents as they will more often than not attack your stock as the natural food supply dies down.

5. Buy Yourself a Gift

, Best Go Bag

One advantage of being single on Valentines day is that you get to buy yourself a present that you will love and utilize in your everyday life. Make a point of finally buying that survival gear you have been holding back on.

It will double as a Valentine’s gift for yourself and invaluable addition to your survival gear pile – and honestly, gifts don’t get better than that.

6. Stockpile for Emergencies

, Best Go Bag

Stockpiling for emergencies can be a handful especially when you are juggling it with other things. As a result, any extra time to work on your emergency stockpiles is highly appreciated.

Since you need to have different stockpiles for different emergencies, you can choose to work on one at a time or all of them simultaneously. Besides power outages and power grid failure, don’t forget to pack an emergency kit for your pet.

7. Go Camping

, Best Go Bag

Nothing beats a peaceful stay outdoors. If you love solitude being single on Valentines day might be a great chance to spend some time outdoors away from all hassle and bustle of city life.

It is a great way to unwind and refresh even if it is just for a day.

Watch this video by MSRGear on How to Use Your Beacon, Probe & Shovel:

There you have it, preppers. Being single on valentines day shouldn’t stop you from enjoying and making the most of the day. If anything, it is a lovers’ day and the least you can do is love yourself while doing what you love.

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What to think about these tips on how to survive being single on valentines day? Share with us your tips in the comment section below!

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