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5 Pieces of Practical Emergency Equipment to Keep Handy

Being prepared for anything, especially natural disasters and power failures, is common sense. More and more people are coming to recognize that reality, and their interest in emergency preparedness has fueled an industry dedicated to that type of preparation. Even if it’s not something you’ve considered before, an investment in a basic level of preparedness is an excellent idea for anyone. Plus, the preparedness and self-reliance industry has produced some extremely useful products that are essential to keep handy.

A Tactical Solar Flashlight with Accessories

The first and most obvious consequence of a power outage is losing electricity for light. No one wants to fumble around in the darkness or relying on a collection of candles. Instead, opt for tactical solar flashlights to do the trick. The illumination and efficiency of modern LED technology make the solar flashlight an effective solution in any scenario. Tactical solar flashlights are also accompanied by handy accessories like a USB charger, glass breaker, compass, and more. All these features could prove useful when you need the right tools for self-reliance.

A Few Weeks’ Supply of Survival Food

Emergencies resulting in isolation and power failures can last anywhere from days to weeks. Having several weeks’ supply of survival food on hand is a smart policy to ensure you’re prepared. Plus, the industry has made some appetizing upgrades in the quality of survival food in recent years. Finding the right survival food kits can provide you with both peace of mind and some surprisingly tasty meals. Tastiness means survival food can serve double duty as a preparedness solution and a convenient camping or on-the-go meal option.

A Solar Powered Cell Phone Charger

Cell phones have become a central part of our lives, and that certainly won’t change during natural disasters, power failures, or other emergency situations. In fact, a cell phone can prove even more crucial during emergencies to check the news, stay updated, and communicate with family or emergency personnel. Picking up a solar powered cell phone charger just makes sense. As is the case with other practical emergency and preparedness equipment, solar cell chargers are great for traveling, camping, hunting trips, hiking, or any of your other outdoor hobbies and pastimes.

 Stored Water or Water Filtration Technology

Natural disasters and other emergency events can interfere with your access to clean, safe, drinkable water. For instance, a power outage caused by a severe winter storm can lead to frozen pipes. There’s no reason not to have potable water or water filtration equipment set aside for your daily hydration, hygiene, and dish washing needs. Water is absolutely essential for survival and staying prepared, so be sure to make it your top priority.

A Solar-Heated Water Kettle

Nothing reminds us how critical something as simple as boiling water can be until we are unable to do it. Along with sterilization, sanitation, and the opportunity to make warm tea or coffee (a critical necessity for some of us), survival food often requires boiled water. So, you should always make a solar-heated water kettle part of your practical preparedness strategy.

About 4Patriots, LLC

4Patriots, LLC is a story of American success that began in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. Tired of the corporate grind and intent on creating something that could truly provide people with real solutions to real problems, co-founders Allen and Erin Baler began 4Patriots at their kitchen table with pen and paper. Relying entirely on their savings, they launched 4Patriots and built it from the ground up, product by product. Today, 4Patriots employs over 125 people and continues to grow by providing their customers with an impressive selection of products to optimize self-reliance, preparedness, and freedom. The secret of their success? From emergency food kits to a solar powered cell phone charger, 4Patriots offers practical, high-quality products you can rely on. At the core of their strategy is the golden rule—they treat customers and employees as they would like to be treated and have been able to cultivate a trusted brand as a result.

Find practical, high-quality preparedness gear and food at 4patriots.com

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