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We think about food every day. And we eat every day – sometimes more than we should. We shop for food at least once a week and we often plan meals for the upcoming days.

Many of us stockpile food for the future. We see what’s going on in the world and we want to be prepared for when shortages hit home.

What we probably seldom think about, if ever, is that our garden plants need food as well. They don’t need to stockpile food, but they require daily nourishment to continue growing. And to reach the point where they are ready to be harvested.

Today I want to talk about how you can help your garden and house plants reach their full potential. By providing them with the right nourishment.  

How often do they need food?

Most gardeners do not fertilize their plants. That’s according to the results of a poll taken by the National Gardening Association.

This strikes me as odd. Why not take the easy step of fertilizing plants when it can help their health? And make them more resistant to diseases and pests. As well as aid their flower and fruit production. And enhance their beauty. 

Many gardeners recommend using organic, water-soluble plant food. They suggest fertilizing container plants twice a week and houseplants once per week.

Garden plants should be fertilized every two to three weeks, and landscape plants once a month. 

If you fertilize plants more often than that, you could “burn” them. And that’s even truer with a synthetic fertilizer. 

Keep them well-fed 

A well-fed plant will grow larger than it would if it’s starving. And it will produce more flowers and fruit. A hungry and thirsty plant will wilt. Its leaves may turn pale. 

Fertilizer will also help a plant better resist drought and other weather-related stress. As well as fend off pests and disease.

In addition to a liquid fertilizer, your plants will flourish if you add compost and granular organic nutrients to the soil.

Now, compost and granular organic nutrients will benefit your plants most effectively when added to soil at the beginning of the growing season. But it’s never too late. And adding them at the end of the season will help replace lost nutrients.

Confined roots need extra help

As important as fertilizer is to garden plants, it’s even more important for plants grown in containers.

The roots of garden plants can grow several feet in length to find water and nutrients. But container plants don’t have that luxury. They’re confined, so they need your help to gain the nutrients they require.

Your container plants may be growing in soil that’s not really soil. The drainage might be better than real soil, but nutrients could be lacking.

In addition, these soil-less planting mixes have probably been sterilized, which keeps out disease organisms. That’s good. But it also means beneficial microbes are missing. And that’s where a liquid fertilizer comes to the rescue.

Survival Seed Combo Kit

In order to feed your hungry plants, you have to grow them first. And that’s where a brand-new product from 4Patriots comes in.

It’s called the Survival Seed Combo Kit. It features the Victory Garden Seed Collection (9,919 seeds), the Flavor Harvest Herb Seed Kit (9,516 seeds) and the Floral Pollination Seed Kit (1,905 seeds). 

Altogether you get 21,340 non-GMO heirloom seeds to help you sow your own survival plan. These seeds are designed to last five years.

They’re easy to plant and will provide you with a reliable way to feed your family healthy vegetables and fruits.  

Here’s how to get yours…

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