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On January 28, 1887, In a snowstorm at Fort Keogh, Montana, the world’s largest snowflakes are reported, being 15 inches (38 cm) wide and 8 inches (20 cm) thick January 28th, 1855 was the birthday of William Seward Burroughs, who invented the adding machine. January 28th is the anniversary of the rescue of General James L. Dozier from his Italian Red Brigades kidnappers. Tangentially, Colonel Jeff Cooper created a shooting drill in honor of those who freed him – The Dozier Drill. And on this day in 1986, the U.S. space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Florida, …

The post Preparedness Notes for Sunday — January 28, 2024 appeared first on SurvivalBlog.com.

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