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Financial guru and radio host Dave Ramsey has a phrase he likes to use when discussing people’s budgeting problems. He says there’s often too much month left at the end of the money.

And with the cost of gasoline and food these days, there are more people than ever experiencing this serious issue. How can we budget properly when costs are rising but our income stays the same? 

It’s not the least bit surprising that inflation is considered by many as the number one issue as we head into Tuesday’s midterm elections. Some are calling it the “gas and groceries” election.

Well, stay with me here because in a moment I’m going to let you in on a great way to simultaneously protect yourself from power outages and gain a whole lot of free food with a long shelf life.

Electricity = expensive; sun = free

But first I want to mention a little bit about energy. Specifically, solar energy. Because if you have solar-powered tools at your disposal, you can handle just about any emergency involving a blackout.

A U.S. Senate policy paper reads this way, in part. “There is almost nothing more essential to day-to-day life in America than electricity generation and delivery.” 

Electrical power is expensive and often unreliable. Power outages occur on a daily basis in one part of the country or another. But sunlight is a free, renewable source of energy. 

Solar-powered items help get you through those “powerless” times. Sometimes they can even mean the difference between life and death. 

Hurricane Ian & Russia’s invasion raise gas prices

The devastation caused by the recent Category 4 Hurricane Ian caused gas prices to spike again. Just as they were starting to come down. Some Florida gas stations ran out completely. Power outages sometimes equals no gas.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine got the ball rolling regarding this significant rise. In fact, gas prices reached the highest levels in our country’s history earlier this year. 

Patrick De Haan is head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. It’s a tech company in Boston, Massachusetts. He recently said, “Americans have never seen gasoline prices this high. Nor have we seen the pace of increases so fast and furious.” 

Putin has also made threats against the West following our pledge of support to the Ukrainian people. U.S. President Joe Biden has called on American energy companies to use their “record-breaking profits to increase production” and “invest in America.”

Outages keep increasing

Even if the war in Eastern Europe and inflation were to disappear today – neither of which is going to happen – our electrical grid is vulnerable.

No one can deny that natural disasters are increasing in frequency. And storms are increasing in intensity. That applies to hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards and more. And because the Western U.S. has become so dry recently, wildfires rage out of control every year.

Municipalities can’t keep electricity flowing when disasters strike. We’ve seen this over and over again. The grid is too weak. And they don’t have the resources or manpower.

It’s up to individuals to protect themselves and their families. How? By providing our own backup power when the grid goes down. Solar energy is how we can accomplish this.   

Solar-powered generators are superior

Gas-powered generators are dirty, noisy and dangerous when not operated properly. There have been many reports of people being sickened and even killed from carbon monoxide poisoning. There’s also shock and electrocution to consider. 

Even if you own a gas-powered generator and can operate it safely, gas prices keep going up. And if the grid goes down, many gas stations will stop operating.

But a portable, solar-powered generator is different. It’s clean because it does not require fuel. It’s quiet. In fact, you can use it right next to your bed while you sleep. And it’s safe. There are no dangerous fumes to breathe in. 

It works on electrical power. You can charge it through a wall outlet or with the free power of the sun.

World events, extreme weather and threats to our nation are all making solar power more important than ever. It’s up to us to protect ourselves with solar-powered devices.

Food prices still soaring 

Recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor show that the Consumer Price Index rose 0.4% in September. That’s double what economists expected.

Compared to a year ago, prices are up 8.2%. In August they were up 8.3%, so inflation does not appear to be slowing down, despite the Fed aggressively raising interest rates.

Of course, food prices are a big part of this equation. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food prices are now 13.5% higher than they were a year ago. Yikes!

And they’re expected to go higher before eventually dropping down again. A recent CNN headline reads: “Grocery Store Prices Aren’t Coming Down Anytime Soon.” 

Savings needed more than ever

It’s become very clear that money savings are needed more than ever. That doesn’t mean stop spending. It means to spend smarter. And that brings me to how I can help you.

Earlier I promised to share a way to secure free survival food while at the same time protecting yourself from outages that can spoil food and keep your home dark. 

So, here it is… a solar backup power solution plus long-term emergency food so you can lock in low prices and have food for family no matter what happens in the near future

And this is the perfect time to ensure you have both. Why? Two reasons. One, cold weather is heading our way. Two, 4Patriots is offering a great deal for a limited time.

A solar-powered generator AND free food? YES! 

If you purchase our most popular solar-powered generator – the Patriot Power Generator 1800 – I’ll throw in a free 3-Month Survival Food Kit. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. Plus, I’ll add other free gifts including free shipping.      

A solar generator would be a smart choice even without the free food. It produces life-saving electricity when you need it most. And without gas, fumes or noise. Plus, it’s safe enough to use indoors. Even in your bedroom.

As mentioned, this is a limited-time offer. And it’s first come, first served. I’m sorry, but I can’t offer any IOUs. But I can offer a payment plan if you’re interested.

Here’s how to get your solar-powered generator AND a free 3-Month Survival Food Kit…

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